Tuesday, January 13, 2009


I started school this past week. It's going to be a lot of work. I'm a bit nervous about all of it to tell you the truth. It's been 10 years since I was in full time school and I wasn't working full time as well! I'm excited about what I'm going to learn though and it still sounds like a great program. I realized yesterday that I don't have to work Saturday's ever again...well, for at least a year or so. :)

I'm going to be staying at my SIL Jenn's place on Thursday nights (for as long as she can stand me) as school starts at 8am on Fridays (I have a full 9 hour class day on Fridays). I'm looking forward to spending time with Jenn and chatting it up.

Paul is still looking for a job. We are starting to feel the crunch now. Here's hoping he hears about another interview soon.

I'm off until Thursday when I have to go back to school and I don't have a ton of homework yet so I'm planning on actually scrapping! The Scrapping Nook is having the iceCROPades online crop right now and I'm itching to get to the challenges. I love a good challenge and these are going on until March. Stop by and check it out! There are going to be some great prizes.

Paul gave me an iPod Nano for my birthday so I have been busy loading that up. I'm looking forward to using it! I'm hoping to start a learn to run program soon and I love the idea of the Nike+ system. They have beginner running training programs and I think it's a great way to stay motivated.

I'm getting ready to cozy up by the fireplace over the next couple of days because the cold front is a coming! It actully said "frigid" on the news forecast this morning. Yikes!


Jennifer said...

Jen I love the ice picture....I am also finding it hard to take a pic a day...I am in Atlanta this week, so knock off 5 days or so already...keep up the great work

Tara said...

Great pics Jen!!! I hope you dh finds a great job soon and you enjoy your classes!!! Kudos to you my friend, I'm exhausted just reading about it!! LOL!!